Rhizome Compliance

The Custom Compliance Platform

Stop Copying Data

We automate and modernize cumbersome legacy software.

Generate Documents

Orchestrate data to generate narratives and compliant documents.

Adhere to Process

Keep your team on track and audit ready with our customizable workflows.

We automate compliance activities for frameworks like

  • SOC 2
  • SOX
  • GDPR
  • ESG
  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 42001
  • TPRM
  • Custom...

Rhizome offers hundreds of integrations, but our platform can also automate compliance activities against your company's custom software. We don't just give you canned procedures to help prepare for an audit. We can automate your compliance checks and controls no matter what systems are being used.

Truly No-code

Rhizome is a client-service focused, white-glove service that requires absolutely no code or extra work on your end. We've built efficient tools on our side that let our experts turn incoming data into intelligent documents and automations. We consult with you to build everything, so there's never a form builder or workflow builder tool you need to learn, and no engineering or product team to manage.

Our compliant workflow templates can be deployed in days.